Prabhudheva signed to make film for Sanjay Dutt.Bollywood actor Sanjay Dutt, who is currently in jail in connection with the 1993 Mumbai blasts case, has reportedly signed choreographer-director Prabhudheva to helm a film from his production house.
Sanjay Dutt is serving his sentence in Yerawada jail. But his wife Maanyata is handling her husband's production house."Prabhudheva has been signed to make a film for Sanjay Dutt company. Maanyata met Prabhu and things got finalised last week," sources close to the development said.Prabhu has previously directed mass entertainers like Wanted and Rowdy Rathore.
"We are yet to decide on the subject and actors for this film," the source added.
Another film, titled Hasmukh Pighal Gaya and directed by Sejal Shah, is also being made under Sanjay Dutt's production house.
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