Another celebration for Deols.Hema Malini's daughter Ahana Deol engaged.Ahana is a trained Odissi dancer and has performed stage shows with her mother and sister Esha. Apart from classical dancing, she is also interested in fashion designing.
Actor couple Hema Malini and Dharmendra's younger daughter Ahana got engaged here to Delhi-based businessman Vaibhav Vora.Last year in June, Esha Deol tied the knot with businessman Bharat Takhtani."We all are very happy. Vaibhav is a very nice boy. It was a special day for us. Our blessings are with them," Hema told.Ahana and Vaibhav have reportedly been seeing each other for few months.
Wearing a pink-purple coloured Indian outfit, Ahana looked elegant at the ceremony which was held yesterday from 6.30 pm onwards at Hema's residence in Juhu.
The family has not yet decided on the exact date of marriage.
"Both the families will sit and decide about the marriage date which should be convenient to all," Hema said.
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