Kochadaiyaan trailer didn't unveiled At Cannes Why? Superstar Rajinikanth and his Kochadaiyaan team were planning to release of trailer of the film in Cannes, but the plan has been cancelled now. It is reported that the trailer of the film was not ready on time, so they had to reschedule the plan. Meanwhile the post production work of this period film is progressing in Chennai, China and London.
Music composed by A.R. Rahman is likely to take place in Japan and Rajni might grace the event as he has a huge fan following there. The Enthiran star has also crooned a song in this flick, which is the first Indian film to use Motion Capture technology (MOCAP). Reportedly the film will narrate the story of a 8th century Pandiya King, Kochadaiyaan Ranadhiran.
According to a source from the film's unit: "We were all set to go to the festival, but our director was not happy with the final output of the trailer. She didn't want an unsatisfactory trailer to be released at the festival and, therefore, opted out of the festival".
In Kochadaiyaan, Rajni's actions were captured inside a studio with 80 cameras. This was then animated using digital character models in 3D.
It also features Deepika Padukone, Aadi Pinisetty, R. Sarath Kumar, Jackie Shroff and Shobana in important role.
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