Girish Kumar enjoyed real action in his upcoming film 'Ramaiya Vastavaiya'.From farming to riding a bullock cart and performing stunts on his own, Girish Kumar has done it all for his Bollywood debut, 'Ramaiya Vastavaiya'. Says a unit member, "Instead of using a body double, Girish insisted on doing the stunts himself. He was very courageous and dedicated."
For one particular scene, Girish had to jump off a cliff. While over a 100 mattresses were required to be laid down as a safety measure, there were only 20 available. But undeterred, Girish jumped off the cliff and landed intact.
That wasn't all. For a scene that required his character to milk cows, Girish learnt that as well. He also learnt farming and riding bullock carts. For a scene showing the actor suffering from mouth burns, he actually ate over 20 red chillies — just to get the right expression.Girish plays an NRI who enters an Indian village. Shot in India and abroad, the film also stars Shruti Haasan.
Says director Prabhudheva, "Girish impressed me with his eagerness to do everything that the script required. His dedication and hard work will take him a long way."
Ramaiya Vastavaiya releases on July 19.
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