Sanjay Leela Bhansali turns Akshay Kumar into "Gabbar".After making a super hit film Rowdy Rathore, Sanjay Leela Bhansali and Akshay Kumar, are back with an entertainer, "Gabbar". SLB will now produce the remake of Tamil blockbuster Ramana (2002) with Akshay as 'Gabbar'. The film, which highlights the fight against corruption, will mark South director Krish's (Gamyam, 2008, and Vedam, 2010) Bollywood debut. Confirming the news, Sanjay says, "We will be remaking Ramana. It's a beautiful film and I believe such cinema should reach our Hindi film-watching audience as well. We look to do justice to the subject and treatment and are extremely excited about the project.
"Last year’s ‘Rowdy Rathore’ saw much success at the box office. Fans and well-wishers will be happy to hear that Sanjay Leela Bhansali and Akshay Kumar are coming together again and this time it will be for a Tamil remake entitled ‘Gabbar’.The film which will go on the floor this year, will be co-produced by his close friend Shabinaa Khan, who was his partner in Rowdy Rathore”.
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